Thank-you for visiting District 22 – Bridging the Gap. You are making the right choice for a better life…..
District 22 Bridging the Gap program is designed to provide support to individuals coming out of a Treatment or Corrections Facility. Bridging the Gap is a Temporary Contact Program, which will help you make that transition from Facility life on the “inside” to life on the “outside”. A.A. experience suggests that attending meetings regularly is critical. One of the more “slippery” places in the journey to sobriety is between the door of the Facility and the nearest A.A. group or meeting. “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” we are here to help you. Watch the video “Hope: Alcoholics Anonymous, it emphasizes the importance of having a temporary contact as the essential link between treatment and recovery. A temporary contact will take you to local A.A. meetings and introduce you to other A.A. members.
Please fill in the form below and we will help guide you through the process.
Your contact information will be sent to the Bridging the Gap Coordinator of District 22, the coordinator will then pick from a list of volunteers. A local volunteer, familiar with meetings in Oxford County and surrounding areas will contact you. Your information will ONLY be shared to local AA members, your privacy is very important to us, in fact Anonymity is one of our founding Traditions.